Kellett & Bartholow PLLC (“K&B”) is co-lead class counsel for the plaintiffs in a pending class action against Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., captioned Harlow, et al. v. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. This case is about Wells Fargo’s placement of the mortgage loans of certain Chapter 13 debtors into COVID-related forbearances in 2020-2021, even though plaintiffs assert that the Chapter 13 debtors did not request a forbearance for their mortgage loan.
The Plaintiffs and Wells Fargo reached a Settlement to settle the litigation for $15,000,000.
On October 11, 2024, the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Virginia granted final approval of the settlement. Class members had already been sent notice of the settlement and information about their participation.
If no appeals are filed, the Settlement Administrator will start disbursing initial automatic payments by U.S. mail to class members who did not “opt out” of the Settlement. The Settlement Administrator will send these initial checks from November 12, 2024 to December 12, 2024.
Please check your mail and timely cash the check when received! Failure to cash the check may result in loss of possible additional disbursements.
In addition, there is still time to submit a claim. You may request additional compensation if you feel that being placed into forbearance caused you to suffer damages in excess of the amount that you will automatically receive for being in the Settlement Class. The deadline to submit a claim is January 7, 2025. Please see the official settlement website for more information on filing a claim.
If you received this notice, or if you believe you have been affected by Wells Fargo’s actions in this case, you may (a) click on the link to the class action website provided below, (b) contact the Settlement Administrator, and/or (c) contact Kellett & Bartholow PLLC directly.
More information about this proposed settlement, including answers to Frequently Asked Questions, the Notice, a Claim Form, and copies of relevant documents, can be found at the following link:
If you have any questions regarding the administration of the settlement or need help, you may contact the Claims Administrator below. Please include the case name “Harlow, et al. v. Wells Fargo Bank,” your name and your return address on all correspondence.
Address: Harlow, et al. v. Wells Fargo Bank
P.O. Box 5130
Portland, OR 97208-5130
Email: info@WellsFargoBankruptcyForbearanceClass.com
Toll-Free: (844) 929-4063
You may also contact us by calling Kellett & Bartholow at 214-696-9000.
NOTE – This webpage is about the settlement of the bankruptcy forbearance lawsuit. If you want information about the settlement with Wells Fargo regarding forbearance for people who were not in bankruptcy, CLICK HERE.
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